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Caravaggio Quartzite

Home Material Search Block Results Caravaggio Quartzite


Caravaggio Quartzite is an Italian natural stone with a multicoloured base and a rustic colour scheme throughout. Because of its striking colour, this quartzite is more akin to a piece of art than a slab of stone. Considering how stunning its greens, browns, blues, and greys are, it is unquestionably a great option for both commercial and residential remodelling.
Rich and dramatic colour schemes are popular characteristics of Caravaggio Quartzite. Usually, it has a strong black background with white, grey, and gold-hued veining and patterns. It gets its name from the Italian artist Caravaggio, whose chiaroscuro technique is reminiscent of the striking visual effect produced by the contrasting colours.

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Because of its distinctive veining and colour, this quartzite is a perfect material for opulent and striking designs. In places where it can become the centre of attention in the room, like tabletops, kitchen islands, or countertops, it is frequently used as a statement piece. Caravaggio Quartzite can also be used as flooring, fireplace surrounds, or wall cladding to give any space a sophisticated touch.