Weiss Architecture Studio

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Rosso Levanto Marble

Home Material Search Block Results Rosso Levanto Marble


The Rosso Levanto marble in our exquisite extravagant collection has an off-white backdrop with green, black, and deep red veining. The Rosso Levanto marble is quite beautiful. Only for internal usage. Fit for bathroom walls and floors, wet areas, and under-floor heating. As well as, but not restricted to, use in bars, restaurants, hotels, shops, and lobby areas. Why not match our skirtings and mouldings to our natural stone tiles? Please be aware that colours may change depending on the natural or artificial lighting. All of our natural stone goods should be sealed.






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The gorgeous natural stone Rosso Levanto Marble has sporadic white veins and a backdrop that ranges from burgundy to purple. This marble is a distinctive and striking stone that works well for many different uses. It will definitely stand out in any area.