Weiss Architecture Studio

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Should the backsplash' quartz material match the countertop's?

For instance, if your customer chooses a dark grey quartz surface, use a backsplash that is a lighter shade of grey or white. Consider choosing a backsplash that matches the veining in the countertops if you choose a quartz kitchen worktop with a lot of veining.

How do you match a backsplash to a quartz worktop?

A person's choice of a certain neutral hue that can go well with the veining in most quartz countertops is one option they have if they want to match their backsplash to their quartz countertops. The majority of neutral colours work well with quartz and tend to look good in most kitchens. As an illustration, Calacatta Gold can be complemented with the same colour to match the veins or with plain white or black to create contrast.

What backsplash looks good with quartz countertops?

Marble, glass, quartz, and ceramic tiles are some of the most popular options for a backsplash for white quartz countertops. Stone worktops are mainly used for a better look and strength as the thickness usually used is 2cm and veins can be matched from the worktop to the splashback. Example Calacatta Supreme veins looks perfect with the same colour splashback.