Weiss Architecture Studio

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Faq Page

Faq Page
What is Natural Stone?

A variety of earth-mined goods that have been utilised for thousands of years as building materials and ornamental accents are referred to as "natural stone." These goods include Adoquin, Onyx, Granite, Marble, Limestone, Travertine, Slate, Quartzite, and others. Natural stone is hand-selected from the best, most reliable sources for strength and beauty; it is more than just rocks.

Even among pieces from the same source, natural stone items have different compositions, shades of colour, and textures. This is typically viewed as a perk because it allows for unique designs and dramatic, eye-catching uses.

Why should I use natural stone in my home?

Natural stone is admired for its particular beauty and the tranquillity it evokes, but there are also a lot of useful advantages to using it in your house. Products made of natural stone are more durable than many artificial ones, frequently surviving for decades with very little upkeep. Natural stone eliminates the risk of dangerous chemicals being exposed in the home or being released into the environment during production or disposal. Why devote time and resources to a doppelgänger? The authentic material that manufactured products attempt to imitate is natural stone.

What are the different kinds of natural stone?

Granite, marble, limestone, travertine, slate, quartzite, sandstone, and onyx are examples of natural stone products.

Granite is unequalled for elegance and durability that require little maintenance. Granite is the ideal material for use in large-scale structural projects like walls, monuments, and supports due to its extraordinary strength and density. Despite being the strongest construction stone, it also has ornamental appeal due to the incredible range of mineral-rich colours and natural patterns. Products made of granite are excellent for use as external decorative applications, vanities, countertops, and flooring.

Marble may be used anywhere in the house and is admired for its classic design, texture, and high-gloss polish in addition to a wide range of exquisite hues. Marble is one of the most adaptable decorative stones since it comes in solid or strikingly veined variations and can be carved or sculpted in many different ways. Modern technology makes exquisite marble items accessible to even the most frugal homeowners. Marble is frequently seen as a symbol of luxury.

Slate naturally separates into layers with exquisite textures because it was formed over a long period of time by sedimentary deposition and compression. Even within the same piece of stone, the several shades of slate products—brown, yellow, dark grey, pink, lavender, and more—can appear. Slate products are frequently used for flooring, cladding, and landscaping because they are strong and stain-resistant.

Quartz is a rock akin to slate with a medium grained texture and amazing resilience that shimmers and sparkles with tiny quartz crystals. Different mineral contents provide a wide range of colours, from subdued white, grey, or beige to daring tones of purple and pink. Quartzite is frequently utilised in ornamental tiles and wall veneers. It is the ideal choice for flooring both inside and outside, including in locations with high traffic and exposure to the elements, due to its naturally non-skid texture.

Modern casual and easy lifestyles are ideal for the subdued, gentle tones of limestone. Products made of limestone are great for baths, fireplaces, countertops, and flooring in low-traffic, informal settings. They come in gentle beige and tan tones and can be polished or honed.

Travertine gives rich, distinctive character to a number of interior and outdoor architecture projects and is prized for its banded, pitted "distressed" appearance. Hot spring water seeping through subsurface limestone caused its patterns and veining effects. Travertine is frequently filled with cement, grout, or resin and sealed when utilised for interior purposes to produce a smooth, stain-resistant surface.

Why do some stones cost more than others?

Harder and denser stones are more difficult to quarry and treat, as well as more expensive. There are several quarrying techniques as well; it is more expensive to quarry stones below earth than above ground. Additionally, as real stone is quarried all over the world, shipping costs are taken into account.

Why do larger sizes cost more money?

The more difficult a stone is to process, handle, pack, and transport, the bigger it is. In addition to costing more, larger sizes can produce more trash than the actual portion that is used.

What recommendations are there for the cleaning and upkeep of quartz stone products?

Stone surfaces are quite simple to keep clean. Use warm water and a light liquid soap to scrub stone floors. Never clean stone with acidic cleaners or abrasive substances. Depending on how it is used, natural stone requires sealing after installation and then every one to two years after that.
Almost no maintenance is required with Quantra, and cleaning is a breeze. Common domestic spills like tea, coffee, soda, fruit, vegetable, or olive oil spills can be quickly cleaned up, returning the surface to its pre-spill state. Use a wet cloth or paper towel for routine cleaning and, if required, a tiny amount of mild soap. Rinse and completely dry the surface after cleaning.

Why does granite need to be sealed?

To prevent stains, all natural stone, including marble and granite, must be carefully sealed. Granite and other natural stones are porous and can absorb spilled liquids, leaving ugly stains and markings, if sealing is not done properly and on a regular basis.

How do I remove ring marks and other stains from marble, granite, travertine, Quartzite ?

Consult a restoration specialist if you have a stain on your granite countertops, marble tiles, or travertine tiles.

Can Quartz Stone be used outdoors?

Quartz surfaces should not be used in areas where the product will be exposed to direct sunlight or UV radiation. Unsaturated Polyester resin, which makes up the engineered stone, will break down in the presence of UV light.

Can I Chop / Cut on the Quartz Surface??

Sharp item damage and scratches are extremely difficult to penetrate quartz stone. A cutting board should always be employed, though.

Can I put a Hot pan on the Quartz Surface?

Despite the fact that the quartz solid surface is heat resistant, it is not advisable to place hot objects directly on it (over 150°C). Always use a trivet or hot pad. Sudden and quick temperature swings can harm surfaces.