Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.



Interstones UK is one of the leading quartz suppliers in the whole of the UK. Our quartz includes colour pigments and polymer resins, which bind the material together, making it durable and sturdy. The non-permeable property of the material ensures that germs and microorganisms don’t get inside the surface of the material.

The best thing is quartz does not change color over time, unlike grantee. Although the patterns and colours available in quartz worktops are artificial, they offer a wide variety of choices if you are looking for a specific colour or pattern. As quartz is artificial, you can get it in almost any design as per your requirement.

If you have decided to go with quartz stone, at Interstones UK, you will get several colour and design options. You are free to choose the best quartz colour as per to your interest and the color scheme of your home. We, at Interstones UK offer a huge range of high quality quartz materials that not only look classy but also are durable and long-lasting. You are free to choose any quartz colours from our Collection. In case you need any information about the brand and properties of the quartz, you can contact us and our team will be happy to help you!