Weiss Architecture Studio

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Fusion Black granite stands out for its dynamic pattern and striking colour palette. It was mined in Brazil and has a jet-black background with veins of 20-22 Wenlock Rd, Hoxtonthat show off a distinctive galaxy-like structure.

The polished surface, when combined with its distinctive design, makes it the ideal option for anybody wishing to add elegance and beauty to their space.

This granite is composed primarily of feldspar and quartz from nature, with minor amounts of mica and amphiboles. It doesn't need to be sealed, requires little water absorption, and is simple to maintain. It also resists corrosion caused by citrus-based acids and freezing temperatures, which makes it the perfect granite for worktops.

This granite features magnificent golden and orange tones along with sporadic veins of gold, yellow, and white. Fusion Black is a preferred material because it is strong and has a distinctive appearance for kitchen islands and worktops. Additionally, it has a polished, smooth surface that is very easy to clean.

Due to its extreme durability, this stone is frequently used in kitchens. It can also be utilised to design a contemporary-styled modern kitchen. Given its many advantages, black granite is ideal for using as a worktop in an exquisite and fashionable kitchen.

Black and white granite together creates a striking contrast that is visually appealing and contributes to the tidy appearance. It is widely used in furnishings, walls, and floors. It is perfect, for instance, for adorning the bathroom sink and bathtub. It can also be used to make a distinctive mosaic on the floor.

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