Weiss Architecture Studio

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Arizona Quartz


Natural quartz, one of the hardest minerals on Earth, is used to create quartz worktops. To add variation, tiny bits of glass or metallic particles are added, which results in stunning worktops. Another benefit of quartz is that it is a non-porous material, which keeps your family safe and simplifies kitchen cleanup by preventing the growth of bacteria and resisting stains. Quartz worktops never require sealing because of this.

Additional information

In addition to its durability, quartz is a beautiful material with a wide range of colour options that are sure to catch your eye. Because quartz comes in a wide variety of colours, including blues, golds, and even natural hues like white, black, and brown, your options are essentially limitless. In addition to adding personality to your kitchen, quartz worktops have performance benefits over more conventional materials.