Weiss Architecture Studio

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Blue Onyx Marble


Beautiful and uncommon, blue onyx is a common natural stone used in lit decorative wall applications and interior design. The best slabs of blue onyx are found in Italy; the colour varies depending on the stock levels, from deep blue to sky blue. The brilliant translucent shine of clashing hues and fluffy-looking texture of blue onyx make it an incredibly amazing stone that adds elegance and excitement to any setting. This stone works best for projects like bathtub enclosures, structural walls, or ornamental pieces. It is a unique kind of stone, mostly composed of calcite.

Additional information

Because of their exceptional visual beauty, slabs of Blue Onyx stone are the ideal choice for people who want their interior designs to look unique and exotic. We only use our 20 mm thick slabs for interior projects, such as walling, flooring, kitchen worktops, splashbacks, living rooms, hallways, murals, bathroom vanities, etc.