Weiss Architecture Studio

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Olive Grey Marble

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Tundra Grey Marble

The home's interior is embellished with Tundra Grey Marble, which has a charming grey and lighter shade of grey. The sophisticated, fine, and narrow veins of Tundra Grey marble are obstructed by a stratified dark grey backdrop. On hard, high-traffic areas, the resilient surfaces can be implemented. It can function effectively in any decor project thanks to its dappled and simple nature. Mica, quartz, calcite, alumina, silica, and other mineral constituents that have been heat-aggregated naturally produce tundra marble. Italians are the primary source of marble. A dazzling and radiant effect is seen on the tundra's surface. Stone gains more definition from polished surfaces.

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Others are subordinated to Tundra Marble's strength, resilience, and resistance to breaking or cracking. It looks absolutely stunning on many surfaces, including the tops of kitchen cabinets, worktops, dining tables, bathroom vanities and the areas around sinks, floors, walls and shower surrounds. Accessible in 20mm gauges, it embellishes interiors with a monochromatic grey hue.