Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

White Onyx


Ivory White Onyx, another name for White Ivory Onyx, is an opulent and uncommon natural stone that will add a touch of elegance to any project in which it is used. Its delicate, creamy base colour is complemented by delicate veins of ivory, light brown, and caramel colours, which come together to form a singular, eye-catching design. This stone's delicate quality gives a sophisticated touch to any area, which makes it a great option for an opulent and elegant interior design. It looks impressive when lit from behind because it produces a warm, glowing effect.It is a great option for any project that calls for an upscale appearance and feel because of its adaptability and classic beauty.

Additional information

White Ivory Onyx Slabs Natural White Onyx:

White ivory onyx is an extremely sought-after material for designers, architects, and homeowners due to its unmatched elegance. It is ideal for establishing a calm and serene ambiance in any setting because it radiates an easy elegance that is difficult to replicate. Anyone who lays eyes on it is drawn in by the illusion of movement and depth created by its distinctive veining patterns. White Ivory Onyx is ideal for making a statement wall, vanity top, or backsplash. Because of its inherent brightness, it can reflect light, which makes it ideal for projects that need to feel lighter and more airy.