Weiss Architecture Studio

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Blues In the Night Granite

Home Material Search Block Results Blues In the Night Granite

Material information
Name: Blues In the Night Granite Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


The name "Blues in the Night Granite" comes from a special combination of blue crystal-like minerals embedded down beneath the stone's surface, giving the appearance of blue stars in the night sky. Southern African granite known as "Blues in the Night Granite" is a durable dark granite. 


Additional information

Dark blue-black pearl anorthosite granite with a medium grain size is known as "Blues in the Night." While this stone may be designated as a granite on a global scale, it must be designated as an anorthosite in the European Standard's application region. Swatch samples must be approved for large projects to confirm that the blocks are all retrieved from the same quarry face for matching purposes. A small sample of Blues In The Night granite is often representative, not having a great difference in colour and veining.

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