Weiss Architecture Studio

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Volga Blue

Material information


Volga blue granite, which is mined from Ukraine, has a deep blue-black colour with hints of grey and blue. The longest river in Europe, the Volga, is the source of the word "Volga." Granite known as Volga blue is mined in Ukraine. Volga Blue granite is also known as blue polar, labradorite, and emerald pearl.
organic stone Because the colour of granite is determined by nature, it does not come in regularly uniform colours. As a result, variations in colours and patterns may be seen in the Volga Blue depending on the slab.
Granites are natural stones that give any living area a touch of elegance and charm. 

Additional information

The natural stone is extremely suited to both hot and cold weather and is free of chemicals. Because of its low water absorption, stain resistance, and resistance to corrosion from acidic liquids, Volga Blue Granite is a highly sought-after natural stone for worktop applications. A polished finish appears to have a low maintenance requirement and sophisticated appeal in any given space.