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Cosmic Black Granite

Home Material Search Block Results Cosmic Black Granite


The Cosmic Black Granite features a black base with crystal striations that are white, gold, and silver. This stone goes well with white cabinets and is particularly appropriate for country-style kitchens. Its shimmering streaks will give your house a unique glimmer that is both modern and stylish.

Due to its ability to provide the actual beauty of natural stone with its distinctive and frequently exotic features as well as durability, strength, and longevity, granite has been the material of choice for residential homes during the past few decades. Additionally, it is certain to raise the value of any property where it is put.







Additional information

Due to the low calcium content, granite does not etch as easily as marble does when exposed to strong acids like those found in lemons, oranges, and other acidic foods.

Cosmic Black Granite worktop slabs come in two different finishes and come in a variety of sizes. Cosmic Black Granite is available with a velvet touch leather finish in addition to the traditional, glossy polished surface. 

Since granite is a natural stone, each block differs slightly, adding to its individual beauty with slightly varying shapes, patterns, colours, and gradients. Therefore, it is advised that you choose the precise slabs of stone that you will be using for your project after viewing it in person.

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