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Black Fusion Granite

Home Material Search Block Results Black Fusion Granite


The Black Fusion granite worktop is a genuine force to be reckoned with because to its dynamic design and rich colour palette. Ideal for people who want to bring right away drama to their homes! This premium granite worktop will instantly stand out in your kitchen or bathroom thanks to its deep black foundation and veined waves of contrasting white and orange tones. Granite is known for its hygienic qualities and Black Fusion is no exception. It has a textured appearance but a luxury smooth finish that is both heat and scratch resistant. With the right maintenance, the Black Fusion granite countertop is guaranteed to stay bright and smooth for many years.

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Fusion Black granite stands out for its vibrant pattern and strong colour palette. It was mined in Brazil and features a jet-black background with veins of striking gold and ivory tones that display a distinctive galaxy-like structure.
The polished surface, combined with its distinctive design, makes it the ideal option for anybody wishing to add elegance and beauty to their space.
Natural quartz and feldspar make up this granite, along with microscopic amounts of organic minerals, mica, and amphiboles. It doesn't need to be sealed, requires little water absorption, and is simple to keep clean. It also resists corrosion caused by citrus-based acids and freezing temperatures, making it the perfect granite for worktops.

Fusion Black natural granite is appropriate for a range of indoor and outdoor applications, including bathroom walls, staircases, floors, backsplashes, fireplaces, vanity tops and kitchen islands. There are many different sizes of these stones. This granite is frequently used for bathroom vanities and kitchen countertops.