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Colonial Gold Granite

Home Material Search Block Results Colonial Gold Granite

Material information
Name: Colonial Gold Granite Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


A robust Indian granite called Colonial Gold has a creamy grey background with brown and grey specks and veining. For both interior and outdoor applications, Colonial Gold granite is advised. It is especially suitable for outdoor use where freezing conditions are common.



Additional information

Colonial Gold Granite contains veining in shades of gold, grey, and brown, as well as a base colour that is a warm off-white, giving this natural stone a particularly opulent look and texture.

One of the most popular selections for lighter granite worktop colours is Colonial Gold Granite, which is sourced from India. With the right maintenance, Colonial Gold Granite may be used both indoors and outside, so if you're constructing an outside patio or barbecue area, this stone might be a suitable option.

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