Weiss Architecture Studio

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Ivory Fantasy Granite

Home Material Search Block Results Ivory Fantasy Granite

Material information
Name: Ivory Fantasy Granite Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


Ivory Fantasy is a background made up of eggshell and vanilla tones, with cream-grey accents, which evokes the rich personality and character. Ivory fantasy seems less uniform up close and appears to be mostly an off-white stone with a hint of light pink. The heavy grained pattern of this stone is the result of a complicated mixture of mineral deposits, which become apparent as one approaches. The colour of the pink tone fluctuates as well, with some spots seeming quite close to brown and others looking intense peach. Ivory fantasy granite can be used in both spaces with and without a lot of natural light because it doesn't change significantly depending on the lighting.



Additional information

Any place into which this singularly natural, timeless stone is incorporated will be graced and beautified. Ivory Fantasy Granite will undoubtedly boost the value of any renovation project, whether it involves a kitchen, bathroom, or outside.
Applications that are appropriate for granite include bathroom countertops, vanities, shower walls, wall claddings, architectural projects, bathroom facades, breakfast bars, kitchen islands, and various kitchen work surfaces.

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