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Majestic Rose Marble

Home Material Search Block Results Majestic Rose Marble


Luxury builders and project managers have always been drawn to Majestic Rose Marble because it is one of the most stunning and long-lasting stones available. Majestic Rose Marble's strong position in the international market can be attributed to its exceptional quality. The Persian Gulf's Arab nations make up a large portion of this stone's unique clientele. One of the newest stones on the market, Majestic Rose Marble, has garnered positive feedback because of its unusual qualities and attractive appearance. Majestic Rose Marble has drawn the attention of luxury enthusiasts and grown to be a serious competitor for its comparable foreign stones thanks to its exceptional physical qualities and opulent design.

Additional information

Majestic Rose Marble has a low porosity, high strength and compressive strength, good sanding, low water absorption, and a high density. Majestic Rose Marble is suitable for use indoors and outdoors in luxurious settings.