Weiss Architecture Studio

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Rosalia Marble Slabs

Home Material Search Block Results Rosalia Marble Slabs

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The Pink Rosalia Marble is a sedimentary rock that was mined in Turkey and available in both Turkey and Italy (upon processing). It has a pinkish red tint and numerous sporadic dark red veins. This stone is excellent for interior and exterior design projects as well as for building stone, countertops, sinks, monuments, pool coping, sills, and ornamental stone. Additionally, it is referred to as Bilecik Rosalya, Crema Patricia, Marmor Ararat Rosa, Rose Ararat, Rose Cream, Rosemary, Rosealia, Rosealia Pink, Rosealia Pink Marble, and Rosealia. Rosalia marble is a pink stone with thick, sporadic veins of dark red tint. Both slabs and tiles of Rosalia marble are available, and it comes in a range of treatments including honed, polished, and tumbled. This marble is suggested for floors and countertops in both home and commercial buildings.

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Pink marble with subtle white and pink veining.