Weiss Architecture Studio

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Bianco Eclipse


Bianco Eclipse Quartzite is a coarse, off-white to white-grey stone from Brazil that has small and large grey veins that differ in size, pattern, and colour. With its unique blend of sophistication and eye-catching colour, the Bianco Eclipse quartzite worktop is an unquestionably adaptable choice for bathrooms and kitchens. With a grey base with blue undertones and darker colours arranged in a marble-like pattern, this worktop will add a stunning touch to your house without looking overly dramatic or out of place.

Additional information

Bianco Eclipse is a versatile piece that can be used with a variety of interior styles. It pairs especially well with cool-toned decor thanks to its strong blend of durable natural quartz, resins, and pigments that create its unique design and sturdy structure. Because of its remarkable resistance to abrasion and ability to keep its sleek appearance for an extended period of time, Bianco Eclipse will become a long-lasting, contemporary addition to your home furnishings.