Weiss Architecture Studio

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The natural stone labradorite green blue quartzite is breathtaking. For mudrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and a host of other areas in both residential and commercial buildings, it is an absolute dream come true. This quartzite creates a classic statement that works well with both traditional and modern design elements. Designer-style splashbacks and countertops can be made with this stone. Quartzite stone can be styled for a variety of spaces, including the kitchen, living room, island, backsplash, vanity top, and bathroom.

Additional information

The gorgeous natural stone labradorite green blue quartzite. For a multitude of areas in both residential and commercial buildings, including laundry rooms, mudrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and entryways, it is an absolute delight. Suitable for both traditional and modern design styles, this quartzite creates a timeless statement. The splashbacks and countertops made of this stone have a designer appearance. You may arrange quartzite stone in different ways for your bathroom, kitchen, island, upstand, backsplash and vanity top. 

This Green Blue Labradorite Quartzite is among the most exquisite dark quartzite stones, with a semi-precious quality. This quartzite shimmers in shades of royal blue, silver, red, and green, with a base colour of black. Quartzite is extremely rare, so your interior will look very exotic. This quartzite, which stands out for its brilliant colours that sparkle and shimmer, ensures that your kitchen will look stunning.