Weiss Architecture Studio

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Sea Pearl


A calm, serene blend of greys from frost to charcoal can be found in Sea Pearl quartzite. These beautiful veins and cascades of subdued contrast make up the motif. Polished Sea Pearl quartzite slabs imported from Brazil are the ideal solution for all of your quartzite countertop, floor, and backsplash/wall needs. One of our most popular Natural Stones, Sea Pearl Quartzite has a highly distinctive appearance and some of the highest durability you'll find in a countertop.




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Kitchen islands, vanities, splashbacks, and worktops are the ideal places for it.

This unique Quartzite, which is imported straight from Brazil's finest natural stone quarries, gives any space a tranquil, oceanic appearance. Sea Pearl Quartzite is an excellent choice for a sophisticated but busy kitchen due to its excellent durability and subdued beauty. A cold, off-white background frequently contrasts with soaring grey and charcoal lines in Sea Pearl Quartzite. It has a minor marble-like appearance as a result, but Quartzite's distinctive "geological" appearance and excellent durability are still there.