Weiss Architecture Studio

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Taj Mahal


Taj Mahal Brazilian Quartzite Slab

Taj Mahal worktops and splashbacks are a lovely way to bring a bit of nature into your kitchen or even as bathroom back panels. Taj Mahal countertops typically cost as much as—if not more than—marble or granite countertops, though costs might vary. Soft white veins and a faint gold background can be seen in Taj Mahal Quartzite. Natural quartzite is more resilient than granite and is renowned for having striking, wispy veining similar to that of marble. Create stunning quartzite worktops, waterfall islands, floors, and accent walls throughout residential and commercial premises using this gorgeous natural stone. Slabs are offered in polished and leathered finishes.

Should the Taj Mahal quartzite be sealed?
Cleaning the surface after usage is only one aspect of maintaining natural stone worktops. Taj Mahal quartzite countertops are no different from the majority of natural stone surfaces in that they benefit from regular sealer treatments. In fact, it makes sense to treat them with the greatest techniques as they are quartzite.

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