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Ocean Fantasy Medium

Home Material Search Block Results Ocean Fantasy Medium

Material information
Name: Ocean Fantasy Medium Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


Ocean Fantasy Quartzite is a fully natural stone that resembles marble and has a hardness similar to granite. This implies that while adding the elegance of marble to the kitchen, it can be maintained similarly to granite. Brazil is where it is quarried.

Natural quartzite from Brazil is used in the Maldives. Blue block veins follow the black micro veins on a light grey background.
This quartzite is straightforward yet incredibly distinctive. Like sea waves, they arrive in waves, and they are covered in layers of emeralds like mountains.


Additional information

Quartzite is a decorative stone that can be used for flooring, stair treads, roofing tiles, and wall coverings. Kitchen countertops are increasingly using it. Compared to granite, it is tougher and more stain-resistant.

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