Weiss Architecture Studio

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Fusion Explosion Quartzite

Home Material Search Block Results Fusion Explosion Quartzite


Explosion Blue is a blue quartzite/granite with hints of brown and grey. content originating in Brazil. primarily used for wall coverings, vanity tops, kitchen countertops, and other interior decoration
Not only is it extraordinary, but Fusion Special Exotic Quartzite is even more so! Even if you're not a huge fan of multicoloured stones now, you soon will be. Due to its greyish base and colourful veins in shades of brown, white, black, and light blue, n designs.

Additional information

Fusion Special Exotic Quartzite complements any colour of cabinetry. It adds a unique touch to both modern and traditional kitchen designs; the former work better in more traditional, country-style kitchens, while the latter are more appropriate for modern kitche