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River White Extra

Home Material Search Block Results River White Extra

Material information


Small, deep burgundy patches alternate with white and grey grain variations in Indian River White granite. Gorgeous river white granite features a consistent pattern of burgundy, black, grey, and white. This countertop material will have streaks of black and grey, as well as dots and staining. River White granite has patches and streaks of crimson or burgundy colour on a stark white background.

This material will need to be sealed every six months to a year in order to avoid staining. Countertops made of River White Granite that have been sealed will remain glossy and won't etch or fade. Granites with lighter hues are more likely to stain. It's easy to perfect River White. 

Additional information

This material is very long-lasting, and it will remain that way no matter what finish you choose for your countertop. It is rare to find this kind of finish. Pointed worktops tend to stain much more easily because the stone's pores are more exposed.

River White Granite is a great option for your kitchen, especially if your cabinetry is light grey, white, or dark wood. White cabinets go particularly well with River White. For large projects, sample samples must be approved in order to guarantee that all blocks are taken from the same quarry face for framework purposes. This is because River White granite varies in grain and colour, and a small sample may not be representative of the entire slab.