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Pink Rose Granite

Home Material Search Block Results Pink Rose Granite

Material information
Name: Pink Rose Granite Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


Brown medium variation granite with hints of cream, grey, and black particles is known as Bain Brook granite.

It is advised for both indoor and exterior projects, such as landscaping, flooring, outdoor countertops, and walls, to use this sturdy granite, which is offered in both tiles and slabs.

Medium-grained pink biotite granite from the Paleozoic period is known as Bainbrook Brown Granite.


This stone may be claimed as a granite anywhere in the world, but it must be nominated as a biotite granite when the European Standard is being used.



Additional information

Although a swatch sample of Bainbrook Brown granite must be approved for major projects to guarantee that the blocks are all removed from the same quarry face for matching purposes, a small sample of this granite is often representative, not having a huge difference in colour and veining. An even smoother surface finish can be achieved by filling any micro fissures or microscopic pitting that may have developed during the polishing process with transparent epoxy resin filler. Bainbrook Brown Granite is frost resistant, has a continuous gloss, and is appropriate for both indoor and exterior use.

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