Weiss Architecture Studio

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Arabescato Corchia Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Arabescato Corchia Quartz


Presenting Corchia, a classy and classic quartz stone that will instantly improve any area. This marble has an exquisite white backdrop with sophisticated grey veining all over it, resulting in a pattern that is unparalleled in beauty.

Corchia is a long-lasting and sturdy stone that is ideal for high-traffic areas like living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Its elegant appearance makes it a popular choice for wall and flooring applications, but its resistance to heat and scratches makes it an excellent choice for countertops.

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The worktop's distinctive patterns make it a fantastic option for building a statement piece, like an eye-catching upstand or feature wall. It is the perfect option for both traditional and modern design aesthetics due to its timeless beauty and adaptability.