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Grigio Light Shimmer Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Grigio Light Shimmer Quartz



With tiny flecks of mirror throughout, Light Grey Shimmer is a mid-grey quartz that has a soft sparkle. Grey Shimmer is a glamorous grey work surface that creates a stunning focal point in your kitchen. Look for tiny, reflective metallic particles that give this gorgeous sheen.
Grigio Sparkle Light Quartz has a grey base with glass flecks that are shiny and sparkly on top. This stone adds a distinctive touch to any space and works well with both modern and traditional kitchen cabinet colours. Long-lasting black quartz backsplashes, countertops, accent walls, floors, and shower surrounds can all be made with this striking quartz.

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Sparkles and mirrors scatter the deep black background, adding elegance and a dash of glitz to design projects in laundry rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, entryways, and foyers. This quartz is ideal for people who wish to create a sophisticated interior design in their house, whether it be with a worktop or an accent wall. It appears sleek and sophisticated as it sparkles in the sunlight.