Weiss Architecture Studio

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Grigio Shimmer Quartz

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Grigio Shimmer is a product of Interstones' Quartz line. Grigio Shimmer's simplicity is its power. The mood of your kitchen design can be established and an unrivalled atmosphere can be created with a single, basic shade of grey. Furthermore, because quartz is naturally durable, this surface will not only have a beautiful appearance but also a practical design that lasts.


Additional information

Grigio Shimmer quartz dazzles with its elegant grey foundation enhanced by a rich shimmer that gives kitchen countertops a subtle yet opulent look. This sophisticated quartz surface creates a calm and welcoming ambiance by fusing the inherent beauty of stone with shimmering undertones. Beyond just its gorgeous appearance, Grigio Shimmer is praised for its stain and scratch resistance, which guarantees that it will always be a lovely and useful option for contemporary kitchens. Perfect for people who want some sophistication without sacrificing usefulness,