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Calacatta Sevile Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Calacatta Sevile Quartz


In interior design, Calacanta Sevile Quartz is widely utilised for countertop and wall cladding applications. Vein patterns and a mixture of white, grey, and gold tones characterise Calacatta Sevile Quartz. The hardness and resistance to abrasion of quartz make it highly valued. Through high-pressure mixing and curing, these ingredients come together during the production process to create a robust and aesthetically pleasing substance. Calacatta Sevile Quartz is praised for its remarkable veining patterns that resemble the beauty of the real stone and its white or light grey base.

Additional information

The majority of its composition consists of 90–95% crushed natural quartz crystals that are sourced from all over the world.Resins, polymers, and pigments comprise the remaining 5–10%.