Weiss Architecture Studio

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Luminus Black Mirror Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Luminus Black Mirror Quartz


Our 20mm and 30mm thick luminus black mirror chip quartz worktop will bring the monotone trend to your room and create a striking aesthetic element.

This quartz worktop with mirror chips is a spectacular way to add in-style black touches to your house. The sleek black surface contrasts with the mirror chip finish, which reflects light. To finish off your modern design with a black and white theme, combine it with lighter cabinets and a matching upstand.

Additional information

With its all-black quartz  with glass mirrors worktop and shimmering dots, Black Mirror is the ideal choice for your stylish living room and kitchen. It is a classy and classic option for your contemporary kitchen surface. This black quartz worktop's understated appearance can give any kitchen an enduring atmosphere.