Weiss Architecture Studio

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Carrara Empire Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Carrara Empire Quartz


One of Carrara Empire's features is its extreme stain resistance, which means it no longer requires sealing.  Beyond just quality and texture, the product's two unique finishes add to its appeal. Interior plans are probably what the stone is used for. Kitchen countertops are a common application for it. Carrara Empire doesn't need sealants, but it does require more upkeep to maintain its natural appearance.

Carrara Empire is a rich, dark, and elegant stone that goes well in any type of home. Its chestnut colour blends the warmest beige veining with the deepest brown tones. Wood finishes provide the greatest compliments. Warmth and sophistication radiate from our chestnut-coloured quartz, whose rich brown tones are enhanced by light grey veining for an opulent finish.

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