Weiss Architecture Studio

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Calacatta Breccia

Home Material Search Block Results Calacatta Breccia


Calacatta Breccia Quartz has a dense veining pattern that shows a range of grey tones. This stone is covered in subtle veins and grey flecks that add richness and a gentle grace. With this expansive white and light grey design, you get the look of marble with the maintenance of quartz. This resilient material can be used in a variety of settings, such as bathrooms, worktops, and splashbacks. It can also withstand heat. Calacatta Breccia Quartz is a visually appealing choice for residential properties due to its well-balanced colour scheme, which allows it to be matched with any colour cabinet or decor theme.

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A wide range of applications call for the use of Calacatta Breccia Quartz, including worktops for bathrooms and bars, restrooms, stairwells, wall coverings, modern Belfast sinks, butler sinks with drainers, kitchen countertops and splashbacks, marble-effect worktops, sink splashbacks, etc.