Weiss Architecture Studio

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Calacatta Capri J+

Home Material Search Block Results Calacatta Capri J+

Material information
Name: Calacatta Capri J+ Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


Worktops made of Calacatta Quartz combine the best of both worlds because they are heat, stain, and scratch resistant and come in a number of aesthetic options. Because it is non-porous, quartz makes for hygienic work surfaces in your house. Unlike other surfaces, quartz worktops don't need to be sealed or waxed, and with the right maintenance, they'll look great in your house for many years to come. Because each variety of Calacatta quartz is distinct, prices have increased.

Additional information

Quartz Calacatta Capri is white. The Calacatta Capri White Quartz is the ideal option if you want to give your kitchen an attractive, airy, and bright appearance. You won't have to worry about your decor changing over time because this countertop will go with any kind of kitchen because it is a neutral, cool colour.