Weiss Architecture Studio

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Concrete Jumbo+ Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Concrete Jumbo+ Quartz

Material information
Name: Concrete Jumbo+ Quartz Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


A flawless grey stone with the appearance of concrete, Concrete Jumbo+ Quartz has a brilliant surface and is particularly flexible in terms of design and application. It is available in slabs with typical sizes and polished surfaces. We offer these Concrete Jumbo+ Quartz countertops in two different thicknesses: 20 mm and 30 mm quartz kitchen worktops. 3.30 x 1.65 would be the size.

Additional information

If you want a modest work surface but don't want a glaring white one, the Concrete Cement coloured Quartz is the best choice. In addition to kitchens and baths, it is a wonderful alternative for many commercial and official settings because to its non-porousness, stain-resistance, moisture resistance, and high durability.