Weiss Architecture Studio

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Blanco Lustre Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Blanco Lustre Quartz


The elegant white quartz is called Lustre White Quartz. The surface produces a calming effect when illuminated by bright or soft light. The white crystal quartz is the ideal complement to worktops in the kitchen and bathroom. These timeless white hues will never go out of style or durability, and they can instantly open up any area. These long-lasting engineered stones are ideal for use in floors, walls, kitchens, bathrooms, worktops, countertops, dining tables, feature walls, next to fireplaces, on upstands, and backsplashes.

Additional information

Select this sizable stone for your breakfast bars, countertops, worktops in the kitchen, and many other applications. Before use, each stone should be sealed to prevent premature wear and tear. 20 mm and 30 mm thicknesses are available.