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Carrara Verona Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Carrara Verona Quartz


The stunning white Carrara Verona quartz has thin, sparsely spaced, grey-brown veins running through it. It's a great interior surface material that can be incorporated into a variety of styles. The Carrara Verona quartz is the best choice if you're looking for a stunning work surface. In addition to being a great option for bathrooms and kitchens, its non-porousness, stain resistance, water and moisture resistance, and great durability make it an excellent choice for many commercial and official settings.

Among the places they can be utilised are splashbacks, windowsills, upstands, bathroom vanities, sinks, shower trays and kitchen countertops and islands. Other applications include office desks, bar stools, reception work surfaces, stairs, walls and floors.

Additional information

Carrara Verona quartz slabs' one and only disadvantage is that they are not suitable for outdoor surfaces because of their weak UV resistance, which could cause them to fade over time.