Weiss Architecture Studio

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Concrete Dark Jumbo Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Concrete Dark Jumbo Quartz

Material information
Name: Concrete Dark Jumbo Quartz Finish: Type: Colour: Origin: Available thicknesses:


Dark Concrete Grey Quartz has a backdrop surface that is grey and many dots produce a grainy and slightly veined appearance. The usage of this stone will give your environment a distinctive touch and complements white cabinets in both traditional and modern kitchen designs.


Additional information

We have charcoal-colored quartz slabs in 20mm and 30mm thicknesses, with 20mm being better suited to modern kitchen designs and 30mm being better suited to more traditional, country-style kitchens. It is ideal for kitchen worktops, islands, and other large surfaces due to its vast slab sizes and capacity for smooth fitting.