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Crema Marfil Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Crema Marfil Quartz


Beautiful white stone known as Bianco Crema Marfil Quartz has a smooth, finely veined surface and can be utilised in a number of interior design projects, such as those for the bathroom and kitchen.
It comes in slabs with dimensions of 3200 x 1600 and a thickness of 2 and 3 cm.
For a muted work surface, the quartz Bianco Marfil is the best choice. In addition to kitchens and baths, it is a perfect option for many business and official settings because to its non-porousness, stain resistance, water and moisture resistance, and exceptional longevity.


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Bianco Marfil Quartz Slabs, Bianco Startus Quartz Slabs