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Calacatta Giotto Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Calacatta Giotto Quartz


Whether it conveys an ultra-modern message, a beachy vibe, or classic elegance, Giotto Quartz is a great option for any space. Cream floors, accent walls, and counter stools are easy to maintain, long-lasting, and perfect for a range of environments, including homes and commercial buildings.

Giotto Quartz is distinguished by light golden veins and streaks set against a warm white background. These gorgeous slabs are perfect for countless applications in both residential and commercial settings, including flooring and sturdy kitchen islands.


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Caldia Statuario and Caldia Calacatta are two of the two types of priceless white marble that are taken out of the Rocchetta (Massa Carrara) quarry in the Apuan Alps Mountain. Though all these characteristics can be found in other valuable Apuan marbles, the primary characteristic of this material is its pure white and semitransparent background, enhanced by thin veins in light green and grey tones. Caldia marble and Caldia quartz share many characteristics.

Grey streaks and a backdrop of Caldia Quartz create the foundation for a sophisticated makeover. The truth is that wherever you wear this warm white quartz, you will receive compliments. Slabs measuring 20 mm and 30 mm are offered, along with customised fabrication and installation choices.

Caldia quartz gives your space the most versatility possible; it will complement any style, be it modern, elegant, or simple. This warm white quartz goes well with a variety of kitchen cabinets and accessories. Caldia is a low-maintenance substitute for quartz that has the elegant appearance of marble.