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Calacatta Apulia Quartz

Home Material Search Block Results Calacatta Apulia Quartz


With its alluring pattern, Calacatta Apulia Super Jumbo Quartz is ideal for creating an extravagant statement.

Beautiful, one-of-a-kind stone pieces like Calacatta Apulia Super Jumbo Quartz Countertops will make your remodelling projects look better.

The calacatta marble print served as the main source of inspiration for the design of this uncommon quartz stone. Calacatta Apulia Super Jumbo Quartz has a distinctive and practical appearance due to its numerous veins. This Calacatta quartz stone has self print flowered effect.

Some versions feature various white hues as well as a stripe that is more brownish-grey than the background's more typical grey hue.

Vein patterns differ from one variety to the next, as well as from one slab piece to the next.


Additional information

Therefore, a variety of settings, including restrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms, can use this material.

The bulk of Calacatta Apulia Super Jumbo quartz slabs are offered in 20mm and 30mm slab sizes, and the cost of the stones can change based on where you buy them and the thickness.